Methods to bring the human in the loop

Guidelines for the 1st assignment

Make sure your partner does not work with you on the final Human in the Loop project.

The goal of this assignment is to teach a study method to the other students: your audience should be able to know when and how to use the method, its expected results and its limits.

  1. Choose a topic among the list of proposed topics. Two students must work together per topic.
  2. Prepare a 15min-long presentation for the other students, taking care of presenting the following points:
  3. Answer questions (5-10min) from other students and from the teachers after your presentation.

Guidelines for the 2nd assignment

The goal of this assignement is to apply one or two study method·s --depending on the chosen method·s-- to the theme of your final Human in the Loop project.

  1. Choose one or two method·s that you did not study in the first assignment.
  2. Make sure your new partner did not work with you in the 1st assignement.
  3. Design the study protocol, and possibly run a pilot study, i.e. rehearsal of the study on one or two participants (to test the duration, logs, the instructions to the participants, etc.)
  4. Present quickly the study protocol and pilot (first results and/or expected results).
  5. Run the study.
  6. Analyze the results.
  7. Present your study on the day of the defense.